About me
One shot one kill "Anyone who has seen the world deeply can guess how much wisdom lies in the fact that people are superficial. Their instinct of self-preservation teaches them to be volatile, light and fake." Looking for
Why do you think I'm always strong? Why do you think I know the answer to everything? I also get weak sometimes, and I don't know the answer to everything either. Come, hide here with me now! I need you to be here with me! I need you to be close! Closer! Even closer! Destinations
Kabulman az alábbi helyeket szeretné felfedezni leendőbeli partnerével. Ha meghirdetett utazásaid közt szerepel álmai országa, kérd meg, hogy csatlakozzon. Járjátok be együtt a világot!
Ireland | Liechtenstein | Luxembourg | Russia | Vatican