Dorcsi cica (34)
Nagykálló, HU
Looking for:male
Expected living standard:optimum
Height:167 cm
Weight:60 kg
Hair colour:Black
Eye colour:Black
Education:Vocational secondary school
Relationship status:Single
Drinking:I rarely drink
Registered on:2023-05-18
Last login:2023-08-30
Dorcsi cica (34)
Nagykálló, HU


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About me

Love so that I can love. I consider myself a cheerful woman! I like when I can provide happiness. I like to travel, play sports, and read. I like fine wines and evening walks. Get to know me!

Looking for

I'm looking for that man who is romantic and humorous, always cheers me up when I'm sad! I would like him to have a similar attitude to me, but to be much smarter than me! I want happiness!


Dorcsi cica az alábbi helyeket szeretné felfedezni leendőbeli partnerével. Ha meghirdetett utazásaid közt szerepel álmai országa, kérd meg, hogy csatlakozzon. Járjátok be együtt a világot!