Nikolett (49)
Kecskemét, HU
Looking for:male
Expected living standard:luxury
Spoken languages:Hungarian, English
Height:165 cm
Weight:57 kg
Hair colour:Brown
Eye colour:Grey
Education:Advanced course
Relationship status:Single
Drinking:I rarely drink
Registered on:2020-09-11
Nikolett (49)
Kecskemét, HU


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About me

I could write a lot here cheerfully and happily, but instead, get to know me...I'm waiting for you!

Looking for

The capital MAN. Intelligence, honesty, correctness.

Bucket list

Nikolett wants to experience the following adventures with his/her future partner. Let Nikolett know which of these you would be interested in! Nikolett will be notified of the items you choose, which will also be included in the relationships menu so you can track your shared bucket list.

You would experience it with him
He would experience it with you
You would experience it together
Take a gondola ride in Venice
See the pyramids in Egypt
Have dinner in a Michelin-starred restaurant
Go for a romantic trip to Paris
Dinner with wine tasting at Lake Balaton
Go boating on the Adriatic


Nikolett az alábbi helyeket szeretné felfedezni leendőbeli partnerével. Ha meghirdetett utazásaid közt szerepel álmai országa, kérd meg, hogy csatlakozzon. Járjátok be együtt a világot!