Looking for:male
Expected living standard:optimum
Spoken languages:Hungarian, English, German
Height:173 cm
Weight:58 kg
Hair colour:Dark blond
Eye colour:Brown
Relationship status:Married / In relationship
Drinking:I rarely drink


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About me

Life is beautiful "I love the beautiful, I love the good, but not out of cowardly superstitious blind faith..but because I like it that way, it is fitting for my majesty..."

Looking for

With whom I am a woman, who can enjoy life, who carries me in the palm of my hand..

Bucket list

Norina wants to experience the following adventures with his/her future partner. Let Norina know which of these you would be interested in! Norina will be notified of the items you choose, which will also be included in the relationships menu so you can track your shared bucket list.

You would experience it with him
He would experience it with you
You would experience it together
Picnicking in the park
Go scuba diving in the ocean
See the northern lights in Norway
A Caribbean cruise
Go hiking in the Grand Canyon
Visit the Great Barrier Reef in Australia
Stroll along a white sandy beach in Mexico
See the Carnival in Rio
Visit Niagara Falls
Go for a romantic trip to Paris
Go scuba diving in the Maldives
Travel around the world
Walk the El Camino
Drive through Toscana in a convertible
Travel to Thailand
Tour Scotland
Smell the cherry blossoms in Japan
Try the best hotels